Tag: diversity


Biden Nomination Moves EEOC A Step Closer to Democratic Majority

President Joe Biden’s nomination of a diversity and inclusion expert for a seat on the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) puts the panel closer to a 3-2 Democratic majority. Kalpana Kotagal’s nomination was announced April 4 for the seat that will come open when Republican Janet Dhillon’s term ends on July 1. Kotagal is a partner […]

Beyond Gender Pay Gap Reporting: Diversity is a Whole-Team Job

At the current rate of progress, the gender pay gap will take around 200 years to close. This is not hyperbole from social justice activists; this is according to the World Economic Forum (WEF). The WEF was once criticized for fortifying that pay gap, so when the same group begins warning of the severity of […]

ESG Reporting 101

Have you heard of ESG reporting? What is ESG and how does it impact your business? Let’s take a look. ESG stands for environmental, social, and governance impact. There has been a push for many years for companies to become more transparent on their environmental impact, social impact, and corporate governance. ESG Categories Consumers, investors, […]

Diversity Takes Many Forms: Making Progress Through Understanding and Inclusion

Successful diversity, equity and inclusion leadership requires the same kinds of leadership skills that make one successful in any corporate leadership role, whether that be operations, finance, marketing or anything else. But it also requires a solid understanding and knowledge of the underlying subject matter. Working in a relatively new area of corporate focus, DEI […]

Helping the Business Community—and the Community at Large—Tackle Issues of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) have increasingly become key areas of focus for businesses across the country and around the globe. Businesses are increasingly recognizing the importance of DEI to their bottom lines. Diverse and inclusive companies tend to be more creative, better understand diverse markets, and avoid some of the costly PR blunders that […]

Many Roles Lead to Multiple Impacts

In our series on chief diversity officers (CDOs), we’ve embraced the spirit of inclusiveness that the professionals we’ve featured have all strongly endorsed. While we’ve sought out CDOs specifically, we’ve spoken to professionals with a diverse range of titles, from diversity and engagement program manager to director of equity and compliance to chief executive officer, […]

4 Ways Companies Can Increase Diversity in the Workforce Today

Since last summer’s protests in support of the Black Lives Matter movement, many of the biggest public companies in the United States have pledged to increase black and minority representation. Yet a recent diversity study of the technology industry found companies that made statements in support of Black Lives Matter had 20% fewer black employees […]