Tag: LinkedIn


How to Find the ‘Explainers’ and Turn Them into Your L&D Warriors

There’s lots of noise out there around which skills people should gain in order to get good jobs and have successful careers. If nothing else, the debate has yielded one irrefutable conclusion: We all need to be lifelong learners. We all need to get good at adapting and maintaining our skill sets to stay relevant […]

Recruiting Basics: Searching for Candidates on LinkedIn

In yesterday’s article, we’ve already established what it takes to lure in candidates with an amazing LinkedIn® recruiter profile. Today we’ll uncover how to search for potential candidates using the free search function in LinkedIn.

Recruiting Basics: Creating a Candidate-Centric Profile to Attract Talent

If you’re new to the recruiting game and are unsure of where to begin finding talent, start with LinkedIn®. LinkedIn is basically professional Facebook, where working professionals in all industries can connect and leave the clutter of their personal lives behind. If you’re new to recruiting and LinkedIn, here are some tips for using the […]

The Rise of Digital Discrimination in the Wake of Targeted Job Ads

“Help Wanted” ads have evolved significantly since the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) was first enacted in 1967—from classified ads in the local newspaper, to listings on company websites and online jobs sites like ZipRecruiter.com and Indeed.com. With the recent advent of advertising on social media platforms, the recruiting landscape has changed even further.

Résumé Fact or Fiction: Tips for Handling False or Misleading Résumé Info

Résumés continue to be the foundation of marketing tools for new hires, internal promotions, and networking introductions. Their traditional organizational structure and common content areas allow for easy comparison across candidates. So, with a document holding the importance of a college essay, how can managers know that what they read is fact, not fiction? And […]


What Jobseekers Really Think of Recruiting Technology

There’s no denying new hiring tools have made our lives easier, especially in the retail and hospitality industries. Instead of sifting through a hundred paper résumés a week, basic software can process the same information in seconds.