Tag: management


Identifying Employee Training Needs

Anyone reading this post already agrees with the notion that training and development for employees is extremely important. But the devil is really in the details, and no detail is more important than understanding exactly what your training requires.


What Is Activity-Based Work?

Activity-based work environments are beginning to gain real traction inside the modern-day workplace, along with more agile workforces. But what exactly is activity-based work?

Order Up: A Sandwich to Help Serve Up Criticism

Delivering constructive criticism to employees can be a tricky skill to master. To help, a London-based project management training organization, Knowledge Train, offered a food-inspired approach to serve up this type of communication.


Shrinking the Talent Gap: Supporting Your Biggest Asset

These days, you can’t open a newspaper or read an article online without hearing about the current talent shortage. In 2017, the unemployment rate hit a 17-year low of 4.1% in the fourth quarter.[1] While this is good news for jobseekers, it has created big challenges for businesses that are trying to attract new talent. […]

Claim Your HR Seat at the Table: 4 Questions to Ask Your Business Leader Clients

Too often business leaders reduce HR to little more than order-takers: fill requisitions, solve employee problems, calculate compensation tables, run surveys. While beneficial, these don’t compare to your higher purpose of ensuring the organization’s talent is—and gets treated as—a strategic asset. But you can’t play that role without first shattering the order-taker illusion and claiming […]


Retaining Star Power

In the 12 months through July, the U.S. economy created 66.7 million hires only to be nearly matched by 64.2 million separations. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell has noted the high quit rates indicate a near full employment of the U.S. workforce. As a result, leaders today are facing competitive pressures to keep their star […]

The Challenge with Internal Candidate Referrals

With the unemployment rate at historic lows, companies are often finding themselves struggling to fill key positions with qualified talent, and they have implemented a number of strategies to help fill the void.

HR Technology and the Employee Experience

Yesterday we explored a new study that shows that most organizations want to improve employee experience (EX) and boost the engagement levels of their workforce. To overcome these obstacles and create meaningful two-way communication between staff and management, it is vital that HR embrace innovative new technologies such as mobile engagement platforms that are capable […]

Make Meetings Matter

Meetings do matter. Whether virtual or face to face, they are vital to the smooth running of any business. For me, their main importance is as a forum for making timely decisions that will benefit the business.