
Train Managers to Effectively Recognize Employee Success

Derek Irvine, coauthor of the book, Winning with a Culture of Recognition (Globoforce Limited, 2010) and vice president of Global Strategy for Globoforce, suggests that it’s time for employers to take another look at employee recognition. “It’s no longer just a nice-to-have a program; recognition can be, if deployed strategically, a massive profit generator and a massive strategy deliverer for organizations when it is done right.”

For the first three tenets of a successful recognition program, click here.

Tenet 4: Touch as many people as possible as often as possible. Often recognition programs have reached the top 20%—only those employees who are most motivated. Irvine says that’s a mistake. “We recommend recognizing and celebrating at least 80% of the employee population. A key emphasis of strategic recognition is to cast a wider circle of recognition to get the 80% behind the theme—the values and strategy of the organization.”

Tenet 5: Put together a coordinated strategy around the recognition program. There should be a consistent, coordinated approach across company locations and even within departments, a single voice that all employees can rally around, notes Irvine.

A Client Example

Irvine cites a Globoforce client company that provides technology security solutions among other products, Symantec. The company grew very quickly over the years and acquired many other companies with different company cultures. Globoforce helped Symantec live a united, Symantec strategy, one set of values by creating a strategic employee recognition program built on its strategy and values, he explained.

The result? Irvine reports that within 12 months, Symantec “realized a double-digit increase to their net employee promoter score,” their measurement of employee engagement. “There was the willingness of employees to promote Symantec as an organization.”

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Irvine concludes his discussion of strategic recognition by stressing that the reality of modern management is that what gets monitored and measured gets results—and that’s the motivation behind the tenets espoused above and  in yesterday’s Advisor.

For more information, visit Winning with a Culture of Recognition.

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