Talent, Technology

3 Important Facts About Smart Learning Environments

Smart learning environments are set to become the future of modern-day workplaces—and sooner than you think. These environments will become even more important to explore as you prepare your employees for the fourth industrial revolution.


Source: Gorodenkoff / Shutterstock

Here’s what you need to know about smart learning environments inside the workplace right now.

Required Technology

Smart learning environments are currently completely reliant on devices and technologies that rely on big data and analytics to run if they’re to be effective. They require Internet of Things (IoT) devices like 3D printers and robots, as well as wearable devices like smart watches, digital badges, and lanyards.
They also require learning tools, devices, and systems to run via artificial intelligence and machine learning—and these tools, devices, and systems must all be connected, typically via cloud-based systems and the Internet.
These smart learning environments are designed to implement comprehensive, “always-on” learning environments that adapt to learners’ needs in real time and are dependent on their physical settings and the devices they access.


Smart learning environments offer workplace learners adaptive learning environments that suit their needs and interests in real time. They are also helpful for employers that need to implement continuous workplace learning and upskilling, which today’s workers and organizations require to remain productive and competitive.
Smart learning environments work well in workplaces interested in adopting learning as a service (LaaS) and other self-service learning methods, as the easy-to-access training and information provided through these continuous learning opportunities are always relevant and valuable and keep employees productive and satisfied with their jobs.


The number one challenge surrounding smart learning environments centers on how company and learner data will be kept secure. As more data are transferred over cloud-based platforms and networks between devices, tools, and systems, it will become more important to keep them safe and secure.
In addition, until smart learning environments become more common, they may be costly and challenging to set up across organizations. Technology infrastructures, devices, and systems might be more expensive and difficult to integrate with one another now than they will be in the not-so-distant future.

Best Practices for Implementing a Smart Learning Environment

  • Do your research, and only select technologies, tools, services, and platforms that complement your desired L&D strategies and organizational goals.
  • Remember your learners and what they will need and want to learn, as well as how they prefer to learn.
  • Consider your company culture and existing technology infrastructures.
  • Keep in mind that smart learning environments endorse more self-guided and personalized learning experiences for learners.
  • Collect and analyze learner data, and remain agile with your learning strategies and approaches.

If you’re interested in implementing a smart learning environment at your organization, keep the information highlighted above in mind.

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