

Why Are Employees Leaving During a Pandemic?

The global pandemic has created many situations that have been labeled “unprecedented,” and a lot of those have been related to employment. Right now, employers are scratching their heads trying to reconcile a world where millions have been without work, yet it’s still difficult to fill roles and employees are quitting in seemingly record numbers.

Keeping Staff Engaged While Work-from-Home Drags On

Just a few weeks ago, we, along with businesses and HR observers around the country, were discussing the logistics of bringing staff back to the office as the COVID-19 pandemic wanes and fades away. What a difference a few weeks can make! With COVID resurging in the form of the Delta variant, businesses that had […]

Alleged Casting Couch: Sex in Return for a Promotion

An employee who claims she was discriminatorily deprived of a promotion must file the claim within a limited period after the discriminatory conduct occurred. Some courts say the claim arises when the employer decides not to provide the promotion. Other courts say it’s when the employer actually fills the job. Which is correct? Neither, said […]

micro credentials

Pros and Cons of Micro-Credentials

Traditionally, the education-to-labor-force pipeline has followed a fairly consistent, one-directional path: Children and young adults work through K–12 education, and then some pursue undergraduate, vocational, professional, and/or graduate-level degrees before entering the workforce.

Rising Wages—What Do They Mean for Your Hiring Plans?

This year, many areas are experiencing a rise in minimum wage—some for the first time in many years. In other locations, there are raise pressures beyond legal requirements, as employers are finding they’re simply not receiving as many applicants as they did in the past for roles that are on the lower end of the […]

Unemployment Benefits Denied for ‘No-Call/No-Show’ Employee

The Michigan Court of Appeals recently upheld an Unemployment Insurance Agency (UIA) decision categorically disqualifying employees who are “no call, no shows” for three consecutive days from receiving jobless benefits under the Michigan Employment Security Act’s (MESA) voluntary-leaving provision.

Successfully Recruiting in the Highly Competitive Gaming Industry

We have a lot in common with our border buddy Canada, including crafting recruiting approaches that succeed in highly competitive spaces. Today’s guest works in the video game industry in Montreal, where the competition is steep, but that hasn’t stopped her from onboarding dozens and, in one case, over 100 quality candidates per year. Meet […]

Women’s Equality: A Year in Review

The HR Daily Advisor has always been dedicated to gender equity in the workplace. Promoting gender equity has never been more important than now because of the tragic number of women who have left the workplace during the pandemic. Today is Women’s Equality Day, and we wanted to present the articles, considerations, and ideas we’ve […]

New Hire

Building a New Hire FAQ

A manager’s job is not easy. Situated between frontline staff and senior management, managers are often battered on both ends of the corporate ladder by constant demands from higher-level management and the challenges of coordinating the activities of a team that is often inexperienced.


Crisis Planning: When Bad Things Happen to Good Companies

Planning for the problems facing your business is not just about what might happen, but when it will happen, and what you will do about it before, during, and after these problems appear. This statement will serve you best if it gets you to change the way you look at the world and change the […]