Tag: recruiters


Massive Desire for Cultural Fit Among Workers

When companies look to hire new employees, there are some baseline credentials that typically must be met: education, certifications, years of experience, experience in certain specific areas, etc. By and large, these credentials can be ascertained from a résumé or online job application.


5 HR Tech Trends for 2019

If you’re a human resources (HR) professional, here are five tech trends you’ll want to know about if you want to outperform your competition in 2019.


Bias Among Recruiters Based on Distance to Work

There has been much research about the effects—whether conscious or unconscious—of certain “indicators” on a job applicant’s résumé. For example, having certain “ethnically identifying” names can lower an applicant’s chances at a job.


3 Reasons Why L&D and HR Pros Should Use Chatbots

According to one Gartner report, by 2021, chatbots will take over, with more than 50% of enterprises spending more per annum on bots and chatbot creation than traditional mobile app development. And this is especially the case for competitive learning and development (L&D) and Human Resources (HR) departments, which will rely heavily on chatbots.


7 Common Mistakes in Leadership Development Training

It’s no secret that Millennials recently surpassed Generation X to become the single largest cohort in the American Workforce. Which means that younger adults will be continuing to move into positions of leadership and management.


Vast Majority of Recruiters See Résumé Lies as Deal Breakers

A résumé is often the first impression a potential employer has of a candidate. Absent a referral or previous relationship, that piece of paper (or, increasingly, digital document) trying to list as many credentials and as much experience as possible is what will often make or break the applicant’s chance to move on to the […]


Is it Against the Law to Target Job Ads at Younger Workers?

One of the primary functions of a Human Resources department is to be aware of and ensure compliance with a wide range of laws and regulations involving workplace conduct, such as sexual harassment and various forms of discrimination.


Strong Growth in IT Jobs Impacts Competition and Wages

It’s no secret that information technology (IT) jobs are increasingly important and that qualified IT professionals are much sought after. After all, we live in an increasingly technological world.