Tag: Workplace Ethics

Do You Use Case Studies in Your Training?

Realistic case studies during training can help demonstrate the types of ethical dilemmas that supervisors face daily. The following case study may resonate with some of your supervisors. It involves a supervisor who is faced with an ethical dilemma concerning hiring. Mary had interviewed numerous candidates for the job opening in her department. She’d finally […]

Train Supervisors to Manage Challenging Employees

To review the four scenarios, click here. Here are the recommendations for dealing with these challenging employees as presented in one of the training exercises in the BLR® PowerPoint® training session, How to Manage Challenging Employees. GUIDANCE Sit down with the employee and examine each of his recent complaints. If a complaint has merit, ask […]

Coaching Can Be Effective—But There Are Challenges

In a recent survey of 230 organizations by AMA Enterprise, a division of the American Management Association (www.amnet.org) that offers advisory services and tailored learning programs, executive coaching programs are seen as being “very effective” by 26% of companies offering such programs and “somewhat effective” by 62% of companies. In addition, 12% reported that their […]

Make Leadership Training a Priority

Let’s continue our presentation of valuable leadership training information from BLR‘s PowerPoint™ session “Leadership Skills—What New Supervisors And Managers Need To Know.” Six Degrees of Delegation Give managers and supervisors these six steps in the delegation process: Determine the task. Define the task. Select the right person for the job. Explain the task. Provide support […]

Train Managers to Balance Employer/Employee Needs With Communication

The information in today’s Advisor is from BLR’s 10-Minute HR Trainer session entitled "Balancing Employer and Employee Needs." Anticipate Employee Needs and Concerns Communication is key to striking the right balance employer and employee needs. Train managers and/or supervisors to convey employee needs and concerns to employers. Here’s how managers can stay in touch with […]

Train Managers to Avoid Rookie Hiring Mistakes?

If you have not identified your critical needs, and how to screen for them, you’ll fail, says Susan M. Heathfield, blogging about hiring mistakes on About.com. Here are two more of her mistakes managers make. 7. Failure to Differentiate the Critical Job Skills Everyone has a wish list for their ideal candidate, but you must […]

Is Your Training Sufficient for Your Employees' Career Needs?

While 77 percent of survey respondents indicated that training should be a joint responsibility between employer and employee, more than 33 percent said the current training they receive from their employer is not sufficient to meet their career needs in the future, according to the survey by Kelly Services (www.kellyservices.com), a global workforce solutions firm. […]

3 More Lead-Manager Rules

A consultant whose opinion we respect—Bill Lee of Lee Resources, at BillLeeOnline.com—recommends a book he thinks is the best manager-improvement product he’s come across. It is The Control Theory Manager, by William Glasser, M.D. (HarperBusiness, 1994), and it’s short enough to be covered in an hour-long training session. The author contrasts what he calls “boss-management,” […]

Mentoring Agreements Make Meaningful Training

Successful mentoring relationships start with a clear agreement about goals, procedures, and limitations, says mentoring expert Lois Zachary. Too often mentors and mentees start off without doing enough preparation and end up with an unsatisfactory experience, she says. Zachary, author of The Mentor’s Guide and the recently published The Mentee’s Guide to Mentoring, provides guidelines […]

Performance Appraisal Ratings—Training Required!

Because poor performance is often advanced as the reason for a termination, the performance appraisal system is often the crux of the defense against a wrongful termination suit. Here’s how to train your managers and supervisors to make sure your appraisals hold up. Direct Legal Problems in Appraisals One common claim is from an employee […]