Benefits and Compensation

Why Does Sandy Get to …? (Caution: Don’t Answer)

It’s a tough situation when a coworker asks, “Why does Sandy get to do that?” and “that” is an accommodation you’ve made for Sandy’s disability. But you can’t discuss the disability, says Trainor.

Trainor, who is senior managing editor at BLR®, was joined in her presentation at the Human Resources Leadership Association in Mystic, Connecticut, by Farrell, who is a legal editor at BLR.

“Sandy” may be coming in late, leaving early, taking long breaks, or whatever, but you can’t reveal that the action is allowed because you’re accommodating a disability. Trainor recommends that you say to the employee, “That’s Sandy’s schedule. If you want to pursue that further, talk to HR.”  HR might say that the answer to the question involves private information that has to be kept confidential.

The EEOC recognizes that this situation is tricky for employers. The EEOC says that employers may respond to coworkers’ questions by explaining that they will not discuss the situation of any employee with coworkers. The employer may explain that it is acting for legitimate business reasons or in compliance with federal law, Farrell says.

Or, the employer could point out that many of the workplace issues encountered by employees are personal and that, in these circumstances, it is the employer’s policy to respect employee privacy. It may help to reassure the employee asking the question that his or her privacy would be similarly respected if the situation were reversed.

Your job descriptions are already written and keyed onto CD format. Thousands of HR managers have depended on the print version of this product—now they’re flocking to get SmartJobs on CD! Try it at no cost or risk. Go here for info.

The Interactive Process

If you turn down an accommodation, says Trainor, most anyone can make a claim, and that makes the interactive process a vital component of compliance—and defense.  The interactive process is a dialogue between the employer and the employee. While engaging in the interactive process:

  • Don’t rush to judgment. Avoid assuming that there is a legal obligation, and avoid assuming that there is no reasonable accommodation.
  • Address the work problems first. That is, not, “Are you on drugs?” or “Do you have a disability?”, but “Here’s the work problem. What can we do about it?”

The employee may just need something simple like keeping a leg elevated, Trainor says. And whatever you do, document it carefully.

You start the interactive process as soon as either the employee requests an accommodation or the employer is otherwise alerted to the need. There is no need for the employee to use any magic words or to ask in writing. An employee might say, for example, “I have work restrictions from my doctor,” or “Can I come in late because of medical treatments?”

It’s a good idea to have supervisors refer all such requests to HR. That assures consistent treatment and prevents supervisors and managers from giving the quick “no” that means no interactive process, but yes, a lawsuit.

Avoid assumptions about a disability or about restrictions; you could then be vulnerable to a “regarded as” claim or a failure to accommodate claim.

Job Descriptions Are Key to Compliance

In complying with the ADA, your job descriptions are a key component, says Farrell. As most claims involve essential functions at some point, it is imperative that the  essential functions of the job are clearly delineated in the job description. It’s also important, says Farrell, to check to make sure that the listed essential functions are part of the job as it is performed in the real world.

Job descriptions are critical for compliance, yet they are all too easy to back-burner. What’s the state of your job descriptions? Concerned they might not be up to date and ADA-compliant? … Actually, with BLR’s new program, they are.

BLR has now released its collection of 500 job descriptions, formerly only available in the classic, but shelf-filling Job Descriptions Encyclopedia, in a program called SmartJobs on CD. That’s cause for celebration—your job descriptions are a click away from being done.

And we’re talking about virtually all of them, covering every common position in any organization, from receptionist right up to president. They are all there in BLR‘s SmartJobs.

Throw your keyboard away—More than 700 prewritten, legally reviewed job descriptions ready at the click of your mouse. Use as is—or easily modify, save, and print. Pay grades are already attached. Try BLR’s remarkable SmartJobs program at no cost. Click here
to learn more.

These are descriptions you can depend on. Our collection has been constantly refined and updated over time, with descriptions revised or added each time the law, technology, or the way business is done changes.

Revised for the ADA, Pay Grades Added

BLR editors have taken apart every one of the 700 descriptions and reassembled them to be ADA-compliant. And now they’ve added pay grades for each job, based on BLR’s annual surveys of exempt and nonexempt compensation, as well as other data.

According to our customers, this is an enormous timesaver, enabling them to make compensation decisions even as they define the position.

SmartJobs also includes an extensive tutorial on setting up a complete job descriptions program, as well as how to encourage participation from all parts of the organization. That includes top management, employees, and any union or other collective-bargaining entity.

Twice-Yearly Updates, No Additional Cost

Very important these days are the updates included in the program as a standard feature—essential at a time of constantly changing laws and yes, emerging technologies. And the cost of the program is extremely reasonable, averaging less than 66 cents per job description … already written, legally reviewed, and ready to adapt or use as-is.

You can evaluate BLR’s SmartJobs at no cost in your office for up to 30 days. Just click here and we’ll be delighted to send it to you.


1 thought on “Why Does Sandy Get to …? (Caution: Don’t Answer)”

  1. A common problem with the interactive process is managers and supervisors who rule out proposed accommodations as “unreasonable” out of hand–sometimes because they don’t want to seem like certain employees are getting favorable treatment they can’t explain. Managers need to know that “undue hardship” is a high hurdle.

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